Poem about the dump

  • December 14, 2018

After taking a tour of Safe Passage in November with her high school, a student named Jenny wrote a poem about her experience. DUMP “Dump.” Upon hearing this word, what comes to your mind? Gradually decaying materials that are uncompostable to the soil? A source of pollution and breeding

Expedition to the Museum of Natural History

  • July 2, 2018

Expeditionary Learning in Action: Our trip to the Natural History Museum 8:00 a.m. Our 6th graders wait excitedly inside the school, going over final details with their teachers. Today they’ll be visiting the Natural History Museum in Guatemala City as part of an expedition called Environmental Protagonists (Progatonistas Ambientales).

Sharing My Story: Our Ambassadors Program

  • May 1, 2018

Ever since the first time I stepped foot in the Educational Reinforcement Center in Guatemala on January 27th, 2014, I knew my connection with Safe Passage would be lifelong. Four years later, after being on two Support Teams, becoming a Sponsor, becoming an Ambassador, and eventually helping to coordinate

Libraries: Changing Lives For the Better

  • April 23, 2018

In a country where 12% of the population is illiterate and in some cases reading is considered a punishment, it is very important to promote reading among students of all ages. At Safe Passage, it is vital that our students not only read, but fully comprehend what they read